Wednesday 5 November 2014

Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night is a very British celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. This was probably one of the first examples of terrorism, only it didn’t work. 

It all happened on November the fifth. A group of Catholics, who were unhappy with their Protestant rulers, wanted to bring the government down. Their leader was  a man called Guy Fawkes  and his plan was called the Gunpowder Plot. Fortunately, some passers-by saw Guy Fawkes and his followers with the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arrested and then he was put on a bonfire and burned to death. 

In Britain and former British colonies, this day is also called  Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebration in Britain. Unfortunately, it is in winter and takes place at night. You have to brave the cold, but it is a happy occasion. Every town and village puts on a fireworks display. There usually is  a large bonfire in the middle of the town. People gather at it to watch the fireworks and eat traditional Guy Fawkes Night food. Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular treats. 

There is usually a mock guy on the bonfire to represent the real one that died 400 years ago. Many families have smaller celebrations and will have their own, private fireworks display in their garden. There are many warnings to be careful because every year, children are injured in fireworks accidents.

Adapted from ESL Holiday Lessons

What impresses YOU the most about Bonfire Night?

Would YOU like to be in the UK for the celebration?

Is there any similar celebration in YOUR country?

Tell me in a comment ;-)


  1. The most impresses me is that every years a lot of children are injured in fireworks accidents. They see this day as a party and it´s ok, but they should be more cautious.
    I don´t like the fireworks, so I would not be in this party.
    In Spain there is a day called Fallas of Valencia, where people have built giant figures to be burned with fireworks .

  2. I'm not impressed because this happened in England. I think all life been two polítical exist, the good and the bad.
    Everyone wants to took power and governed a country to using war as a means.
    Today used the politics and the religion for get to govern. The village is suffering the consequences.

    We live in society in which there isn't freedom to live well and in peace.

  3. Yesterday I read this history and the most impresses me is that the religion is always in the wars, this is very sad. I think was a miracle that the people coult stop this.

    I would like to go to this celebration because I think that is very interesting. I like see the lit sky.

    My country doesn´t has a similar celebrations because in UK the celebrations is for politics and here it is for other things.
